Cookie Policy

At DailyTechPortal, we take great pride in protecting the privacy of our users and recognize the necessity of being open about how and why we collect data. In this Cookie Policy, we describe our usage of cookies and similar technologies on the website to enhance browsing experiences while gathering insight on user interactions with the website.

What Are Cookies (Cookies)

Cookies are small text files placed onto your device by websites you visit in order to make their functionality better or provide information directly back to their owners. They’re widely employed as part of making the web work smoothly – or more efficiently – while simultaneously gathering vital data that inform their owners.

There are various varieties of cookies, including:

Session cookies: Temporary files which expire when your browser closes; Persistent cookies are stored until their lifetime has expired or been cleared from your device, keeping track of our products, services, or websites, for instance, logging pages visited to identify users when visiting multiple pages in a website and more. We employ cookies for various reasons including;

Enhancing the performance of our website. Analyzing how users access it.
Customizing what content and features appear for you on our site. Customizing how we display those features. Improving user experiences. What type of cookies do we use on this website? Our website utilizes various kinds of cookies such as:

Necessary cookies: Our website relies on these essential cookies in order to function, enabling you to navigate around and take full advantage of its features.
Analytical/performance cookies: These enable us to recognize and count visitors to our website as well as monitor how users navigate it when browsing it, thus helping to improve its functioning by making sure users find what they’re searching for easily.
Functional cookies: Our functional cookies allow us to recognize you each time you return to our website, enabling us to personalize the content specifically tailored for you and remember your preferences.
Targeting cookies: Targeting cookies record your visit to our website, including which pages and links were visited and any links followed, so that we may make our services more relevant to you and your interests. We then use this data to tailor the experience you receive when visiting.

How Can You Manage Cookies

There are various methods by which you can control and manage the cookies on our website, however, please keep in mind that disabling or blocking some may impair user experience or make certain features unavailable to you.

Your browser settings provide the ideal way for you to control cookies. Most browsers enable you to block or delete certain types of cookies as well as set preferences for specific websites – for more information on this please consult its help pages.

Utilizing tools like the Cookie Consent Plug-In will enable you to easily manage and customize your preferences regarding cookie usage and settings.

Opting out of some advertising networks through the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Self-Regulatory Program for Online Behavioral Ads can help.

Contact us If you have any inquiries or inquiries related to our Cookie Policy, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We welcome hearing from all parties involved!

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