Terms And Conditions

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The following terms and conditions establish how DailyTechPortal may be used on its Website located at: https://dailytechportal.com/

Simply by accessing this website, we assume you agree with these terms and conditions. Should any disagreement exist regarding any or all aspects listed herein, do not continue using DailyTechPortal .

This terminology refers to you, the person logging onto this website who agrees with its Terms and Conditions of Service. “Client”, “You”, and “Your” all refers back to you – that person who agrees with our policies. “We” refers to both parties; Our Company is referenced here as being part of “Parties”. All terms refer to the offer, acceptance, and consideration of payment necessary to assist our Client in meeting his/her needs in accordance with and subject to Dutch Law in regard to providing stated services by us. Any references herein (whether singular, plural, capitalization, and/or they/they), are interchangeable as each refers directly back to one individual/company.


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Most interactive websites employ cookies to allow us to remember user details when they return for future visits, making the user’s visit simpler. Our website employs this technology in certain areas that allow for greater functionality for our website visitors; some affiliate/advertising partners may also utilize them.


Unless stated otherwise, DailyTechPortal and/or its licensors own all intellectual property rights for content found on DailyTechPortal and reserve all such rights for themselves; access may only be made for personal use subject to restrictions set out herein.

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Parts of this website allow for users to express and exchange opinions and information in certain areas, without filtering, editing, or reviewing comments before appearing online. Comments do not represent the opinions or endorsement of DailyTechPortal or any agents/affiliates thereof – rather they reflect solely those expressed by whoever posted them – to the full extent permitted by applicable law, DailyTechPortal shall not be held liable for their content nor for any liability, damages or expenses caused or sustained due to use, posting or appearance on this website or otherwise related thereto.

DailyTechPortal reserves the right to review all comments posted and to delete those which could be considered inappropriate, offensive, or violates these Terms and Conditions.

You provide evidence and assurance of that.

Comments posted to our website by you must not violate the intellectual property rights (copyright, patent, or trademark of a third party); any such comments cannot breach their licenses and consents necessary.

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Your Comments provide DailyTechPortal with a non-exclusive license to use, reproduce and edit. Furthermore, others are licensed to do the same with regard to them in all forms and media formats.

Hyperlinking Our Content

The following organizations may link directly to our Website without needing prior written approval:

Government Agencies;

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These organizations may link to our homepage, publications, or Website information provided that the link does not mislead in any way and does not give rise to false impressions regarding sponsorship, endorsement, or approval by us; and also fits within the context of their site.

Common sources for consumer and/or business information sources; dot.com community sites, associations representing charities, online directory distributors, internet portals as well as accounting, law, and consulting firms among many others, would fall into these categories.
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These organizations may link to our homepage provided that their link does not in any way deceive, falsely represent sponsorship or approval of products and services offered by the linking party; and is in line with its context on the linking party’s site.

Interested organizations listed in Paragraph 2 above and seeking to link with us via our website must send an e-mail message directly to DailyTechPortal with all pertinent details such as their names and organizational structures; contact details for the respective organizations as well as their desired URL(s), any URL(s from where they would like to link; as well as which of our pages on which they wish to link (please wait 2-3 weeks for a response);

Linking parties should link directly to our Website by using either: (…) our Corporate Name; (163) […] the Uniform Resource Locator that our Website links to (16); OR an approach that makes sense within the content on their own websites – so long as that link clearly describes our Website in context and format! (169).
No use of the DailyTechPortal logo or artwork may be made for linking purposes without first entering into an appropriate license agreement with us.

Without our written approval and permission, any attempts at altering our Webpages’ visual presentation or appearance with frames are prohibited.

Content Liability

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Read The Privacy Policies before reading your Privacy Statement

Reservation of Rights

We reserve the right to ask that all or any particular links leading back to our Website be removed at any time upon our request and require them to be done so immediately upon being asked by us. Furthermore, we can amend these terms and conditions at any time with regards to its linking policy, so by continuing linking back you agree to be bound and adhere to such rules at all times.

Should you find any link that offends, feel free to reach out at any time with your concerns about it on the Website and inform us. While we will consider requests to remove said links, this does not obligate us to respond directly.

We do not warrant or ensure the information on this website is complete or accurate, nor can we promise that the material remains up-to-date and remain accessible on it.


To the maximum extent permissible under applicable law, we disclaim any representations, warranties, and conditions with regard to our website and use of it. Nothing contained here will:

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All liability that cannot be excluded under applicable law has been excluded by us or you.
Limitations and prohibitions of liability set out in this disclaimer and elsewhere: (a) are subject to the preceding paragraph; and (b) cover all liabilities that arise out of it, including contracts, tort, and breach of statutory duties.

As long as our services and information on this site are provided at no charge, we cannot be held liable for any loss or damage resulting from using it.

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